Saturday, November 24, 2012


Lately, more than ever, I feel like I have been "flying my freak flag," as Kelle Hampton declares so often. I have been flying it high and proud. It's a beautiful flag, one of many colors, probably with some peace signs and happy faces on it. Whenever my flag goes up, it shouts, "I LOVE LIFE!" It's a flag that goes up at celebrations and good gatherings of friends and spontaneous adventures.

The main reason that I've been so freaky high on life lately is the prospect of my new favorite idea. It's simple in its nature, but I think it's going to change the world. The idea is none other than DREAM DAY. 

My first official DREAM DAY occurred this past week. Here's a little preview of what happened. More on #dreamday2012 and what that actually means at a later date. 

Freak flag is officially unfurled for all to see. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

happy national sfrb day.

Brunch is my favorite meal. If I could eat brunch every day, then I would. But, then again, it wouldn't make brunch special. Because, to me, that's what a brunch signifies. Something special. Something big. Something to celebrate.

Last week, was a national holiday. Happy National Secret Friend Reveal Brunch Day! It's official.

This brunch was a culmination of a semester of community. All through the semester, a group of college girls, myself included, have been "Secret Friends" to a group of freshmen girls. We sent them notes and presents and encouragement to get them through their first semester of being at college. There's nothing more that I like than the combo of handwritten notes, secret admirers, and encouraging quotes. It was bound to be a success.

We gathered at an off-campus house on a beautiful Saturday morning. All of the older girls cooked up some delicious brunch and the younger girls showed up with no expectations.

Afterwards, the reveal. My big idea of the day was to create our own version of America's Next Top Model. So, it was like Indianapolis's Next Secret Friend...or something like that. We had all of the girls lined up...

And each of the older girls would come out, one by one, and reveal who their secret friend was.

One of my secret friends, Kim.

Amen for brunches and for friends and for surprises and for secrets. Last part of the morning was an impromptu photo shoot. Why not, right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

inspirational quote tuesday.

the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~john muir

thoughts on creativity.

Last Friday afternoon, the next Oscar-Best-Picture-winning movie was created. No, seriously. Well, at least the best of music videos...that are created by high schoolers...for YoungLife. I called up a group of girls to ask if they wanted to help me make a video promoting our last club of the semester (tonight!) and our reveal of CAMP info for next summer. And, they said yes. I love that. 

Claire, Ibby, Olivia, & I spent a fantastic few hours full of dancing: in the car, in front of strangers, by the dumpster, in a field, and all the other really great places that dance parties tend to happen. 

Also, things that are wonderful in life: photo shoots. Which are so much better when there are other people involved; not just me, the world, and my trusty camera, PACO. Through my job at the Office of Admission, I was put in charge of a photo shoot for a brochure that gets mailed out to all the admitted students in January. 

Some of our preliminary pics, taken by my lovely boss, Beth. 

Both of these experiences over the past few weeks remind me of this: I never want to be someone who wakes up, goes to school, does my homework, and then goes back to bed, only to start the sad routine all over again. 

I'm big on creative living. I think that creativity doesn't come from sitting in my room thinking, but from being out in the world living, experiencing, meeting new people. But, creativity is also just about saying yes. To trying something different when it seems like it wouldn't work. Saying yes when people ask if they can be a part of something. Saying yes to some high school girls who want to create something. Saying yes to a group of Butler students so they can be a part of something unique. 

Say yes to creativity. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

but the greatest of these.

With this new position as Student Staff for YoungLife, I have the opportunity to participate in trainings led by Linda once a month. About 20 other similar college students come from all around the state to join together for a few hours to love each other, have real discussions about how to fall more in love with Jesus, and how we can be world-changers in our ministry through YoungLife. Here's my 30-second iTunes preview summary of what we learned today:

Faith is not...believing that I can do everything.
Hope is not...pride.
Love is not...a selfish competition.

Faith is...TRUST & COURAGE.
Love is...a sense of MUTUAL BELONGING.


My new motto is "Fridays are for FUN."

I really think that every weekend should be a three-day weekend. And that there should always be a day filled with friends and relaxation and free time and being places and eating good food and going places and sleeping a little extra.

Good thing I don't have classes on Fridays next semester. Can I get a HEY YEAH!?

Any who, last Friday, a dream came true. Another thing Fridays are good for. I'm slightly obsessed with TED. I watch the videos online and just love everything that they stand for. So, I jumped on the opportunity to go to a TEDx conference in Indy last Friday.

It. Was. The. Bomb.

It was combo between talks that inspired, talks that made me think, talks that made nod my head, and a couple talks that left me confused and needing a little more. But all of the people are doing things in the community; they are movers and shakers and changers. And those are the kind of people I want to be around.

My favorite person talked about distraction in our world and how it affects learning and working. She said that "distraction is between where you are and where you want to be." It's a place that is messy and where we are uncomfortable. She used the word beautiful to describe how we need to try to embrace this way of learning.

Also, things I was obsessed with: games and playing them. The TEDx conference was full of them. Activities that engage you and let you see what everyone else is thinking. Like Mad-Libs for grown-ups. And neighborhood dream boards. And pop-cornimunication. And a map of where you learn best.

Amen for TED. Amen for "Ideas Worth Spreading." And AMEN for Fridays.