Last Friday afternoon, the next Oscar-Best-Picture-winning movie was created. No, seriously. Well, at least the best of music videos...that are created by high schoolers...for YoungLife. I called up a group of girls to ask if they wanted to help me make a video promoting our last club of the semester (tonight!) and our reveal of CAMP info for next summer. And, they said yes. I love that.
Claire, Ibby, Olivia, & I spent a fantastic few hours full of dancing: in the car, in front of strangers, by the dumpster, in a field, and all the other really great places that dance parties tend to happen.
Also, things that are wonderful in life: photo shoots. Which are so much better when there are other people involved; not just me, the world, and my trusty camera, PACO. Through my job at the Office of Admission, I was put in charge of a photo shoot for a brochure that gets mailed out to all the admitted students in January.
Some of our preliminary pics, taken by my lovely boss, Beth.
Both of these experiences over the past few weeks remind me of this: I never want to be someone who wakes up, goes to school, does my homework, and then goes back to bed, only to start the sad routine all over again.
I'm big on creative living. I think that creativity doesn't come from sitting in my room thinking, but from being out in the world living, experiencing, meeting new people. But, creativity is also just about saying yes. To trying something different when it seems like it wouldn't work. Saying yes when people ask if they can be a part of something. Saying yes to some high school girls who want to create something. Saying yes to a group of Butler students so they can be a part of something unique.
Say yes to creativity.