Wednesday, June 15, 2011

create, not consume

I'm ready. This is the beginning. The start of something quote a real quality movie meant for pre-teen girls...or me. I have been reading blogs for the past few months. I read newspapers and magazines sometimes. And I'm an avid reader of those things we call books. I love em. Everything about reading is just so great.


I'm kinda done with all that. I'm always reading and thinking.."WOW these people who write things are cool and seem like they think so much." To me, writers seem like people who think big thoughts and think often.

I like to think of myself as someone who thinks these big thoughts, but when it really comes down to it, I don't feel like I do. See, I'm one of those people. Oh, those people that talk waaaay too much (and way tooo fast, as my parents and friends will say). But I'm also one of  those people who doesn't have too much of a brain to mouth filter. So, I think way too fast too.

So this is my attempt for myself to maybe think thoughts that will fill my head, take up an afternoon, and consume my days. Thoughts about love, life, God, my favorite people in the world, etc, etc. I don't need to spend my life thinking about my next meal or when I'm going to write that essay. Slowing down to notice these big ideas does really exist. For people like me..not just people who write books.

I'm ready to create, not just consume.

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