Thursday, November 15, 2012

happy national sfrb day.

Brunch is my favorite meal. If I could eat brunch every day, then I would. But, then again, it wouldn't make brunch special. Because, to me, that's what a brunch signifies. Something special. Something big. Something to celebrate.

Last week, was a national holiday. Happy National Secret Friend Reveal Brunch Day! It's official.

This brunch was a culmination of a semester of community. All through the semester, a group of college girls, myself included, have been "Secret Friends" to a group of freshmen girls. We sent them notes and presents and encouragement to get them through their first semester of being at college. There's nothing more that I like than the combo of handwritten notes, secret admirers, and encouraging quotes. It was bound to be a success.

We gathered at an off-campus house on a beautiful Saturday morning. All of the older girls cooked up some delicious brunch and the younger girls showed up with no expectations.

Afterwards, the reveal. My big idea of the day was to create our own version of America's Next Top Model. So, it was like Indianapolis's Next Secret Friend...or something like that. We had all of the girls lined up...

And each of the older girls would come out, one by one, and reveal who their secret friend was.

One of my secret friends, Kim.

Amen for brunches and for friends and for surprises and for secrets. Last part of the morning was an impromptu photo shoot. Why not, right?

1 comment:

  1. this is great! Also your hair is so long! it look beautiful!
