Monday, December 3, 2012

anything but this.

When I left Colorado a week ago, there was nothing I wanted to do more than not leave. It took extreme amounts of willpower to put one foot in front of the other and get to that airport and on that plane back to Indy.

But, I did it. And here I am. Back at Butler, studying for finals and working on papers, which to be honest, is also something that I would rather not do. Anything but this.

In order to combat these feelings of nothingness, I came up with my Amazing Daily Christmas Challenge.

Nothing extravagant. Every day, I do something Christmas-y. I've gone on a Christmas lights drive, drank some hot cocoa, listened to this song which is a Butler classic, made some paper snowflakes, and went to see The Nutcracker.

I tried to get little bro Jared & the rest of the family on board. My roommates have been all for it. My boss joined in one day. No matter who else participates, I'm still going to push for it.

Whatever gets me through the next twelve days. Whatever it takes.

1 comment:

  1. you're the best. I love this idea! 12 days...that's like nothing! You go, gurl!
