Monday, February 27, 2012

welcome welcome

Six weeks may seem like a really long time. But, let me just tell can go by very, very, VERY fast.

Six weeks ago, my sorority welcomed a new pledge class of freshman and sophomore girls. Six weeks ago, we were making them welcome signs, giving them presents, and taking pictures of them, telling them how beautiful they were.

We celebrated by dressing up for a "Fraturday Night Fever" party. Cheesy, I know. But I got to dress the part of a hippie...not too far of a stretch.

One of the best parts of the first few weeks is Family Night. It's where we do a reveal for the new girls of who their "Big Sis" in the house will be. I was lucky enough to get two! I had twins. :)

Jenna and Holly are the cutest things ever and I'm excited to get to know them better over the next few years. We already have had so much fun together.

And of course, I'm part of the Hippie Fam. How does this happen? It's like everyone thinks I'm a dirty, outdoorsy, tie-dye wearing hippie from out west or something.

The new girls' favorite part of the six weeks is called Freshman Skits. All of the sororities and fraternities on campus gather together and compete. Our new girls worked SO hard to create a short skit with dancing, singing, and some talking. And, the rest of the house was really, really proud of what they had worked for and had accomplished. They placed 2nd among all of the Butler sororities this year, which was so great! I loved being able to cheer on all of the younger girls that I had been spending so much time with.

To top off their Freshman Skits hard work, the new pledge class gets to have a sleepover at the house. They kicked out all of the members from their beds and spent the night here. We planned tons of fun activities for them to do and it was really great to relax and have fun with them!

And all of this, for the final day, the one we've all been waiting for: Initiation Day. Our ceremony was in the morning followed by the best thing, our banquet. We got all dressed up and headed to a hotel to eat (we love food!), talk about how much we love each other, and obviously take bunches and bunches of pictures.

After all of the craziness and drama and busyness of the last few weeks, it was a good reminder of what's so great about being a part of a sorority at Butler. These girls are some of the best things about my life. They make me laugh when we run around screaming and playing pranks on each other. They make me cry when real life happens and things don't go the way they were supposed to. And they remind me that people really are the most important thing.

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