Monday, February 4, 2013

mail time, mail time, MAAAIL TIME.

I'm pretty sure that there's nothing that can make my day better than when something fun shows up in my mailbox. Getting mail is the best thing that has ever hit the 21st century. I believe that letter writing is the best communication. This quote I found on a journal sums it up pretty dang well.

"Write more happiness into the world." 

Obviously, I also love spreading the love of mail. February 1st was National Letter Writing Day. In honor of that, I sent a couple of notes to some people that I really love.

One of my friends who is really good at sending letters decided last year that February should be Letter Writing Month. I'm all in this year. I'm ready to participate. Every day of this month, I'm going to try to send a letter to someone in my life, near or far. I'm pretty pumped about this. Look out for a letter or two coming your way! Anyone else in on this month of connection through our good ol' Postal Service?