Sunday, October 28, 2012

banquet time.

Things I've learned recently...being in charge kind of sucks sometimes. It's stressful and overwhelming and can be too much. But, it's all worth it in the end.

Last week, Washington Township YoungLife had our annual fundraising banquet. We invite community members, parents, teachers, and anyone else who wants to show up to see what Young Life is doing at North Central High School and all the middle schools. The banquet ranks up there as a close second to summer camp in a full year of YL experiences.

I love that the banquet combines all of the different groups of people who are in the YoungLife community: the kids, the leaders, the committee, and the parents. Everyone gets to see what the other side looks like.

But, my absolute favorite parts of the night is when the kids are involved. About forty high school students showed up at the banquet to sit with a table of adults and share answers about how they are different because of being involved in YoungLife and because of their relationship with Jesus. The answers they share are honest and real and beautifully convey that they are searching for something more in life and have found it.

We also film a fantastic video that showcases each leader along with a high school-er that they have a close relationship with. I loved sitting with Emma and reminding myself why relationships are important and why I'm a YL leader and why she loves that I'm in her life. Watching it last week choked me up. Too emotional.

The last part was Cardboard Testimonies. A group of kids shared a poster with who they were before they were involved in YoungLife and who they are now.

More than any of the stress that I had about being in charge of all of the high school-ers and more than  anything that went wrong that night, it was worth it in the end. More than any of the overwhelming feelings I felt beforehand, it was all worth it to see the love and caring North Central #YLfam come together. They love each other and it means the world to me to see everyone supporting each other in this.

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