Monday, October 22, 2012

it's fall.

In case you hadn't noticed, the leaves are falling. Also, the days are shorter. And the weather is getting colder. And I have to wear clothes.

In other words, it's Fall. Which is great and all, but it means that it's the end of my favorite season. Summer, I miss you. I'm mourning you. Life isn't the same without you.

So, I've been kind of bitter about Fall coming to say the least. Nothing against's just not Summer.

But, this Sunday, I had a little bit of change of mind. Because of a little celebration about Fall. And a reminder that seasons are important. All seasons.

At church, we talked about how Fall is a time to remember that God is a transformative God. That He is always working and changing and making things new and different. Bigger and brighter and more bold. Just like the changing colors of the falling leaves.

Later, at my small group bible study, we put a crafty plan into action. We gathered leaves & then painted Mod Podge on them. I had read somewhere that it was supposed to preserve them & make them keep their color longer & not dry out. So far, so good. When I got back home later that night, I didn't want to do homework, so I continued on the crafting streak. The beautiful leaves became our first Fall decoration in our room.

Sometimes I just need a reminder that God makes beautiful things. Even when it's not what I want. And, what better way to discover that than through a little crafting.

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