Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween.

When you're in college and separated from the real world, the actual day of Halloween isn't as fun. No candy, no trick-or-treating, very few costumes. It's kind of a sad existence.

But, it's okay. Because this past weekend wasn't just any weekend. It was Hallo-weekend. My wonderful friend, Brady, and I dressed up and helped work a haunted house on campus. Another friend took it upon herself to do our makeup. The design was called "rotting flesh." Very spooky. Then, we spent three hours working the Torture Room, where Brady got sawed in half and my throat while slit, right before I got dragged across the room through puddles of fake blood. It. Was. Awesome. Definitely something to check off my bucket list.

A very happy Halloween to all.

1 comment:

  1. that makeup...So.Creepy. Also're cool. Have you seen the new New Girl? You and Jess have something in common!
