Sunday, September 9, 2012

known for.

Over the past few weeks, I've had the same conversation with various groups of people. That means I think it's an important topic of discussion, want to know everyone's thoughts, and want to share mine.

Questions is: What do you want to be known for? 

Takes some thought to process, doesn't it? My immediate reaction to say something cute and fluffy like "love everybody." Or "be really nice."

All really great things. I want to be a nice person who loves everyone.

But, I finally came up with this.

I want to be known as someone who is different. 

To strangers and acquaintances, I want to be seen as someone who doesn't live her life like everyone else. I don't follow the crowd. I don't always take the way that is easiest. People see me and know that I don't put all my hope in this world. 

To my friends and family, I want to be seen as someone who lives creatively, always seeking a new adventure and new experience. I don't do what has been done before. I want to be known as someone who tries to be a leader, but not because I have to. Because I just am. I just do it. 

Is that my final answer? Yes.

Also, here's a fun little video that I found while perusing through my Social Psychology textbook.

What do you want to be known for? 

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