Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 hours and counting...


what what.

It's so soon! And I can't wait! It's just the best thing ever.

I get to go to the airport, which may be one of my favorite places in the world. I love airports. I love people watching. I love flying Southwest; they are funny when everyone else traveling is usually grouchy. I love getting a little drink and some pita chips and reading the Southwest Spirit magazine. I love the feeling that happens when you take off...the dropping of your stomach. And then flying and looking out the window at all of the lights. And then getting off the plane and being in Denver. And waiting for my suitcase to come out of the little hole at baggage claim.

I think I might have a weird and unhealthy obsession with everything airport.

Tomorrow night, I will see this...

I keep imagining in my head the moment when I'll see my family in the airport. It's going to be beautiful.

And then, my wonderful week at home will start...full of coffee at the Alley Cat, skiing, crafting, going on a hike in the foothills, seeing my best friends, cuddling with my dog, playing cards with my family, baking some cookies, reading, watching some movies, making fun of my brother, and sleeping in my bed!


You know you're ready to go home when you're sitting in Sociology class and writing a blog post....

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