Monday, November 14, 2011

i love this...

This semester, I've been trying to think of things I love. Things that make me happy. Things that are fun and wonderful and make me want to sing and dance.

And this weekend, I came up with number twelve.


Where you get to go into other people's houses and see their stuff and how they live and how they decorate and what kind of stuff matters to them. I'm a big believer in the idea that the stuff that you surround yourself with helps define and/or show who you are.

I know, it sounds creepy. Why would I LOVE going into other people's houses? And don't only old ladies do this kind of stuff?

Well, it's true, the house tour was dominated by old people, but there was also me and my lovely friends, Avery and Mary Ellen, who were just as excited as I was.

This was one of my favorite houses! We all loved the red brick with the white pillars and the black shutters.

My fav kitchen! I love being able to see how other people I can take pictures of it and use it in my future house one day.

Love this! Sketches of your family members as your portrait wall of pictures...maybe a little weird. But it's cool.

Leaves stained the cement sidewalk outside some of the houses.

YAY for spending Sunday afternoon doing fun things like this instead of doing homework inside the library all day. YAY.

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