Sunday, November 20, 2011

i'm coming home, i'm coming home...

I sat in the Indy airport...(my second fav behind the Denver one)...and called all of the people I loved. I also left a wonderful message for Amanda and Ellen singing this song...I thought I was funny....

And now I'm here. First day was a TOTAL success.

Woke up to this! Who knew it was supposed to snow my first night in CO??

Sleeping in and then making banana pancakes. "Whole Wheat Brown Sugar Banana Pancakes" to be exact.

YUM. YUM. or NOM. NOM....just to annoy Jared. :)

Going out to eat for "linner" with the fam. Also, nom nom.

Early on in the day, I asked my family a question that we had talked about in YoungLife a few weeks ago.

"If someone new came over to meet your family, what are the things they would notice in the first five minutes"?

So, we talked about that. And decided that:

1. I talk a lot.
2. A lot of times, no one answers me. So then, I feel awkward. And keep talking.
3. We usually have 12 million different conversations going on at once. Which ends up in us asking things along the lines of "Who's on first?"
4. Gregory likes to do random things...."typical Dad."
5. "Mom is weird." Direct quote from Jared Miller.
6. We never have a plan. But that's okay.

Great choices, Miller family. We're awesome. And funny. And weird.

So, here's to a week full of bad communication skills, no plans, and family time. YAY.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You were funny and I loved it, duh.
    2. Cool food blog!
    3. Love your fam. Precious Miller family.
