Monday, April 23, 2012


This semester, I've had an awesome opportunity to be a part of a group of four or five girls who meet on Sunday afternoons and talk about life and God and struggles and celebrations. We come from all different backgrounds and follow different paths during the week.

But, on Sunday, that time is sacred. We sit on the front porch of the Nikcevichs, taking a breath from the busyness of the world. We've been reading Psalms the last month or so, and just loving the true emotions that David shows.

This week, we read Psalm 63. We talked about how it is such a great reminder of how God does everything for us. He is at the center of it all. That we need to be EARNEST in our pursuit of God.

"Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!"

We made a list of all of the verbs that God calls us to do, or does for us...

seek, thirst, see, behold, trust, praise, satisfy, sing, cling, meditate, rejoice

We talked about what each of us were doing in our own life. Right now, I'm just clinging, trying to make it through the next two weeks, realizing that God is the only thing that is holding me together through it all.

And, we talked about how there will be a time for other actions and other verbs. There will be a time for praise and for seeking. But, sometimes all we can do is cling.

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