Sunday, April 29, 2012

ole ole!

Last week was my sorority, Alpha Phi's spring philanthropy event, Phiesta. As in PHI-esta.

We volunteer all week to try to get 500 hours of service. We do projects all around the city every day.
We kept track throughout the week by putting #10 signs in the yard to document each 10 hours we complete.

Our big one this year was a Zumba night. We invited the Girl Scouts and our alumni to participate in an hour long Zumba session taught by one of the girls in Alpha Phi. Except, Mother Nature had different plans. It rained all day before hand, so instead, we did Plan B and had a movie night while coloring pictures. I loved it because I got to see three of the girls who are in the 2nd grade class that I work in: Mayan, Grace, & Maggie. They are the cutest things ever!

My other volunteer project of the week was going to Thrifty Threads, which is kind of like Goodwill. Our group sorted through clothes and hung them up in preparation for them to go on the floor to be sold. We had fun singing, asking each other random questions, and laughing at the totally random things that were in the bins.

The finale of the week was an all-campus soccer tournament followed by a taco bar dinner. It was fun to hang out with everyone and eat. Duh.

It was a fun week. I'm proud of what my sorority does. I enjoy getting a new cute shirt.

But, dang, I'm so glad that I can focus on studying for finals now.

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